Wealth Cairn Coaches

Founder and CEO
Thank you for visiting Wealth Cairn.
One of my favorite pastime is backpacking in the wilderness. With the cool breeze, mountain fresh air, towering redwoods and that faint smell of the moss, what a poetic way to experience nature's wonders.
If you spend enough time in the wildness you are bound to get lost. Trails are often poorly marked or not marked at all. Below treeline it is often a dizzying experience finding directions. Above treeline, rocks conceal trails, footprints, and markings.
Cairns are rock piles that are left by those who came before you and mark the paths that lead you back to the trail. When you are lost, hungry and worried at the end of the day finding a cairn is one of the best feelings.
When I created this investment advisory I thought of the image of Cairn, the way it leads you to your own discovery, the feeling of relief and confidence is such a perfect representation of the mission we are on - to guide you to the discovery of your own financial success.
Investment and personal finance is often a confusing, frustrating experience full of guesswork. The financial service industry itself has made it worse by making speculation and gambling widely available now on your mobile device. We've seen millions of wealth wiped away during a market downturn.
Come on this journey with us. Learn from our workshops and find one of our coaches to start a conversation on your personal finance. We are committed to guiding you every step along the way and your success.
I am a fiduciary adviser and financial coach. Over 10 years I have dedicated my practice to helping Silicon Valley professionals, entrepreneurs and their families discover their true purpose for money and for their lives, transforming everything about their experience of investing. I focus on advanced financial planning, tax insights, corporate financial education, retirement and investment planning.

Know your advisor
Fiduciary Advisor
Being a Fiduciary Advisor means a duty to act primarily for the benefit of the clients. A fiduciary act in good faith and exercise the highest standard of care. We are expected to be loyal to our clients and to avoid or disclose any conflict of interest that could impair the advice given to the clients. A fiduciary also has the duty and responsibility to only engage in activities that promote fair, equitable and ethical principles.

No matter where you are in life, CFP® professionals deliver the highest standard of financial planning service to make sure you’re on the right track. From planning for retirement to saving for college, CFP® professionals are trained to help you develop a comprehensive strategy to reach your short- and long-term financial goals.

​​CHARTERED FINANCIAL CONSULTANT™Advanced planning for every person, every need. That’s the promise of a ChFC® (Chartered Financial Consultant®) designation from The American College of Financial Services.
State Securities Law Exam​
Series 66 - Uniform Combined State Law Examination
General Industry/Products Exam​
SIE - Securities Industry Essentials Examination​
Series 7 - General Securities Representative Examination
Personal life
Outside of work Peter enjoys an active life outdoors. He also volunteer considerable time in various community organizations including the Big Brother Big Sister, National Ski Patrol, the Cal Academy of Science. He is the proprietor of Conspire Wine and enjoys free diving and hang gliding. ​
In 2024. Peter is working towards his first USCG Merchant Mariner Certification to become a sailing instructor.

Peter is the Program Minister of Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz, a social club dedicated to the understanding, research and education of fungi.

Peter serves on the executive board of Safe Organization Space Richmond, a nonprofit consists of housed, unhoused, and formerly unhoused staff and allies working together to improve our neighborhoods. SOS Richmond is recognized as 2024 California non-profit of the year.